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  • Staff hygiene and work rules


  • Staff training record


  • Employee medical questionnaire


  • Staff sickness record


  • Cleaning schedule


  • Pest control monitoring record


  • Maintenance record log


  • Glass / crockery policy


  • Delivery temperature record


  • Cooking log


  • Storage temperature record


  • Cooking and cooling log


  • Calibration Record


  • Supplier Assessment Questionnaire








  1. Avoid direct handling when preparing or serving cooked ready to eat products.

  2. All staff must wear clean overalls and hats when handing food.  Overalls and hats must not be worn outside the premises, except when involved with delivery.

  3. Staff must not wear watches or jewellery, except a plain band wedding ring and small sleeper earrings.

  4. Staff must not wear strong perfume or aftershave.

  5. Food and drink must not be consumed in the food preparation areas.  

  6. Smoking in a food room is prohibited.

  7. Hands must be washed thoroughly with soap and water:-


    • Before starting work

    • After breaks

    • After visiting the toilet or on return to the workplace

    • After coughing into the hand or using a handkerchief

    • Before handing cooked meat

    • After eating, drinking or smoking

    • After touching face or hair

    • After carrying out any cleaning


  1. Staff must not lick fingers when handling wrapping materials.

  2. Staff must not blow their nose, cough or sneeze over food.

  3. Hair and fingernails must be kept clean.  Nail varnish must not be worn.

  4. Staff must inform the manager if they are suffering from vomiting, diarrhoea, other stomach upsets, skin complaints or cuts.  Cuts and abrasions must be covered by an easily detectable waterproof dressing e.g. blue in colour.

  5. Staff must ensure that raw food does not come into contact with cooked / ready to eat food.

  6. Staff must not use the same equipment or working surfaces for raw and cooked ready to eat foods without thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting them first.

  7. Staff must protect food at all times from contamination.

  8. Keep food containers off the floor.


I have read the Staff Hygiene and Work Rules and agree to abide by them.


Signed:          ……………………………………….


Date:             ……………………………………….


Print Name:  ……………………………………….

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